Although not a legal holiday, April Fools’ Day is celebrated around the world as a day filled with jokes and general silliness. How did this tradition begin? well in all honesty it remains a mystery, some claim it correlates to an ancient holiday related to Easter. You may want to be a little more cautious or skeptical on April 1, since family members, friends, neighbors, co-workers and even teachers may try to tickle your funny bone with a practical joke or a hoax of some kind.
We have compiled a list for you, of the TOP 10 April Fools 2016 tech ( and some maybe not so tech ) pranks that may give you a chuckle, but be warned…can cause loud uncontrollable laughter at work ( which will make people think your very weird indeed)
1.Your Butt deserves the best: Artisanal Toilet Paper
This is single handedly one of the best April Fools practical jokes. Now you maybe telling yourself; this is not a tech company!. We know, but this is honestly pretty funny stuff. In all honesty, when does a company joke about its main product ( or only product for that matter )
We follow the hipster trend of artisanal/organic and you never know where it will lead you. Well with artisanal toilet paper, it can’t get any more organic than this. Check out the commercial below for some lolz!
2. Star Wars on Netflix ( Live action series ) By IGN
As a Star Wars fan I was screaming like a little girl in a candy store when I saw the trailer, but alas a practical joke by IGN. They gorgeously produced a live action trailer sneak peek named: Fury of Darth Maul Series. A very good joke by IGN. You caught us all and hit us where it hurts, in the heart…
3. New Experience on YouTube, Introducing SnoopaVision 360, in HD
Now everyone can watch their favorite and lovable rapper – watching your favorite YouTube videos (yes like it sounds, watch someone, watch your videos). Don’t really know how this works, but sounds pretty interesting, sign me up! If you’ve noticed every video on Youtube has a new icon that does quite resemble SnoopDogg ( see below ), press it for more information and feast your eyes on this “New and Revolutionary” Tech. This will truly be world changing technology. Great job YouTube…

4. Introducing the Silent Loo App! Be embarrassed of your poo- No More!
You never know when nature calls, specially after stuffing your craw with all those street corner tacos and tequila. We all know how smelly and loud explosive diarrhea can be, well now let an app help you with the loud part of this equation. Introducing Silent Loo App, available now in the App Store near your phone!
5. Introducing OpenTable Taste – Lickable Photos?
Food Porn on your phone! Start tasting your food before you book a restaurant on OpenTable! Ok maybe this is pretty far fetched but its a pretty good idea if it was real! lol April Fools!
6. Google Cardboard…..plastic?
What’s realer than reality? This product does not just raise philosophical questions, it puts you in the middle. Pretty funny how you can make a serious sounding video and dupe half the people around the world lol
7. Sony develops the worlds first- Proton Pack!
If you grew up watching Ghost Busters, you already know where this is going. If you did not watch the video and be amazed. Actually it’s not one of the best pranks since the movie is coming out, its actually quite lazy. But anywho it is quite interesting specially if you want to catch things not from this universe!
8. Google Express – Instant Parachute Delivery
The future of home delivery arrives today. From above. Google Express offers fast delivery of things you need from stores you love. With the new delivery technology, packages will arrive even faster and land anywhere you want them – whether you’re at the beach, in the woods, or even on a run. This may be a pretty dumb idea, but it’s setting us up for the very real DRONE DELIVERY Service….Coming soon….maybe.
9. Revolutionary Lexus V-LCRO Technology
Ok this on is pretty damn funny. When you drive your car at the edge of your seat make sure to stay in place. see video for some good laughs
10. Introducing the self-driving bicycle in the Netherlands
This spring, Google is introducing the self-driving bicycle in Amsterdam, the world’s premier cycling city. The Dutch cycle more than any other nation in the world, almost 900 kilometres per year per person, amounting to over 15 billion kilometres annually. The self-driving bicycle enables safe navigation through the city for Amsterdam residents, and furthers Google’s ambition to improve urban mobility with technology.
So this is one of my favorites and possibly setting us up for self driving vehicles? the world may never know… But the biggest invention, since the invention of the bicycle itself might be a bit of an understatement.
BONUS: Donald Trump….Trumps us all…Wait could this be real???
Thank you for reading and enjoy your day! contact us if you need any Ecommerce, or Digital marketing services!