5 Most Effective Instagram Metrics To Track In 2021

One of the best ways by which you can grow your Instagram account and create a following that converts is to understand and take advantage of Instagram analytics.

Of all social media platforms, Instagram continues to register massive growth.

It is, therefore, a powerful platform for your brand, marketing campaigns, and events; and just about anything that can elevate your business to higher levels.

And this is where the important factor of Instagram metrics comes in. Metrics are useful as they help you to analyze, evaluate and take stock of the performance of your account, and how it influences your overall business strategy.

Whether you are tracking your own profile or that of an influencer, in this article, I’m going to describe the most effective analytics metrics you can track in 2021.

1. Engagement – Track your engagement rate on Instagram to understand your peak in interactions

networking bizz website experts - 1Tracking engagement involves comments, likes, and shares done on your Instagram account. To drive your business to desired levels, your followers need to see your post and engage with the same post.

Tracking comments, likes, and use of the share button allows you know how much your audience are interested in your brand. The number of likes and comments can then help you to calculate the engagement rate.

Knowing your engagement rate allows you to keep track of your best performing post. It also makes you to know exactly where the interest of your audience is. With this insight, you can grow and improve your business presence on social media.

Again, you can quickly determine what works and what does not work for your brand. Finally, this kind of feedback helps you to make the needed upgrades where necessary.

2. Reach – Understand how far your content is really going

Measuring reach allows you to see and measure how many people have viewed your posts. This metric is used to analyze the extent of awareness of your brand, but also it creates the required hype and buzz around a post, story, or advert.

If you want to calculate your reach rate, you take the total number of viewers per post and divide it by the total number of your followers. Basically, reach is often shown in numbers, and for every account that sees your post is counted as one view.

3. Stories retention rates – See how engaged is your audience with Stories

Business financingStories retention rate is perhaps the toughest, yet most productive part of your metrics. It involves creating ideas that resonate with and interest your audience. It means you create ways to keep your followers glued on your content from start to finish.

To determine retention rate means that you carefully track how each individual Story is performing. So if you are posting multiple stories on your Instagram page daily, each of these Stories is evaluated individually.

Understanding retention rates helps you to evaluate trends. For example, you can quickly see if people are following your story to the end or not, and to find out the reasons why it is happening that way.

4. Traffic & sales – Make sure your posts are converting

As you create content on Instagram, you also must ensure that it translates into traffic and sales on your website. You can easily use shoppable stickers in your content.

Metrics for Instagram shoppable posts and Instagram Stories allows you to evaluate your content and tailor it to suit your audience, which in turn converts.

5. Audience demographics – Identify if your content is drawing in the right audience

Target audiencesInformation on age, interests, and location of your audience is a must-have. It helps you to create a buyer persona. It also gives you direction on whom and where to focus your content strategy.

The demographics metrics help you to establish a certain trend and a target group which is well-defined. Again it allows you to modify and tailor your content to suit the needs of your target group.

A monthly evaluation of demographics data helps you to know if your followers is still intact. You can also know if there’s a marked growth or the levels are fluctuating.

Final thought

Instagram remains one of the social media sites from which you can grow your business to higher proportions. Once you know how to analyze the metrics, your Instagram marketing campaigns can both be fun and profitable.

The best thing with Instagram metrics is that they clearly show you how your account, and generally your business is doing. With these insights, you can easily make the necessary upgrades, maintain the best practices, as well as improve on the weaker areas of your marketing strategy.